September 4, 2013

Generating leads with Google Analytics

Did you know that Google Analytics is free, yet it is incredibly powerful?

It will, for example, show the real name of businesses that have visited your website and the keywords they used to get there. So, you've not only got the name of the company that has visited but also what they were looking for when they did! Here's how...

Open Google Analytics and navigate to Audience > Technology > Network > ...

Here you will be able to see all the network service providers of those visiting your website. Some of those will be broadband providers, but many will actually be static and therefore have their name included in the result.


So that's Part One.

To find out what they were looking for add the secondary dimension as keywords, and you have a powerful tool that has already generated a warm lead for your business.


What can you do with this information?

The best option is to look up their MD or CEO on LinkedIn and send them an email offering your services. If they're not ready to go ahead right now, they should be impressed as to how you found out about their enquiry.

If you'd like to talk about a PPC Campaign or another form of Search Engine Marketing please book your free strategy call.

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